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Chinese Journal of Biological Control ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 110-116.DOI: 10.16409/j.cnki.2095-039x.2021.01.011

• RESEARCH REPORTS • Previous Articles    

Control of Bemisia tabaci in Pepper by Steinernema carpocapsae

CHEN Xiangrong1, XU Caixia2, HAN Dubin1, ZHAO Ming1, ZHOU Fucai1   

  1. 1. College of Horticulture and Pant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China;
    2. Zhejiang Lvshen Natural Enemy Biological Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310000, China
  • Received:2020-04-18 Published:2021-02-23

Abstract: Infection of Bemisia tabaci by Steinernema carpocapsae was evaluated by artificial inoculation and field control efficacy was assessed on pepper plants. Our results showed that the nematodes invaded into the whitefly nymphs in 4 h and caused nymph death in 2-3 d at the conditions of (28±2)℃, humidity of 60%, and humid pepper leaf back. The nematodes showed concentration-dependent control of B. tabaci. The mortalities caused by 22, 16, and 13 nematodes/mL of the nematode-containing fluids were 42.79%, 34.74%, and 29.31% in elder (third and fourth instar), respectively, and 44.58%, 41.66%, and 39.61% in younger (first and second instar) nymphs of B. tabaci, respectively. The combined use of adjuvant 5% d-limonene SL with the nematodes increased the control. The optimal result was observed when 300-fold dilution of nematodes was combined with 1000-fold dilution of the adjuvant, which exhibited the highest mortalities of 60.61% and 61.55% in the elder and younger nymphs, respectively. The control was also significantly affected by the humidity on the leaf surface. When water was sprayed at 1.5 L, 1 L, and 0.5 L per square meter in the field, the corrected control were 66.49%, 66.50%, and 47.78% for old nymphs, and 69.30%, 58.52%, and 51.83% for younger nymphs, respectively. Our results indicate that the nematodes have the potential control B. tabaci, which can be promoted by adding adjuvants and keeping leaf surface humid.

Key words: chili, Bemisia tabaci, entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema carpocapsae

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