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Chinese Journal of Biological Control ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 29-37.DOI: 10.16409/j.cnki.2095-039x.2022.11.001

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Predation of Three Aphid Species on Faba Bean by Orius strigicollis

ZHANG Xiaoyuan, WANG Ting, ZHA Xurong, ZAN Qingan, ZHANG Hongrui   

  1. State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-Resources in Yunnan/Plant Protection College, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China
  • Received:2021-12-24 Online:2023-02-08 Published:2023-02-21

Abstract: Aphis craccivora, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and Megoura crassicauda are the main pests damaging leguminous crops. Orius strigicollis, a successful aphidophagous natural enemy, is widely distributed in Southern China. To determine the biological control potential of O. strigicollis on the three aphid species, this study measured the predatory selectivities and predatory functional responses of different stages of O. strigicollis in the laboratory. The results showed that the predatory functional responses of the nymphs and female adults of O. strigicollis to the three aphid species fitted well with the Holling Ⅱ functional response model. Predation capacities ranked from high to low were 5th instar nymphs, female adults, and young nymphs. Predation capacity was the highest for A. craccivora and the lowest for A. pisum. The theoretical maximum daily predation of female O. strigicollis was 63.69 for A. craccivora, 36.23 for A. pisum, and 49.26 for M. crassicauda. The searching efficiency of O. strigicollis decreased with increasing density of the three aphid species, whereas increased with the predator’s stage. The searching efficiency with the same nymphal stage of the predator ranked from high to low were M. crassicauda, A. craccivora, and A. pisum. Predation by the female adults was affected by the predators’ density, which is described by Hasse Ⅱ model equation. The preference index was positive for A. craccivora (0.186) and M. crassicauda (0.027), whereas it was negative for A. pisum (−0.245). The results show that O. strigicollis has the potential to control the three aphis species on leguminous.

Key words: Orius strigicollis, Aphis craccivora, Acyrthosiphon pisum, Megoura crassicauda, function response

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